Soil sampling system awarded a silver medal at Agritechnica

  • Radicle Agronomics marks a significant evolution of the soil sampling process for precision farming

Reliable, geo-referenced and current soil data are indispensable for implementing precision farming, something that has led to a constantly increasing variety of soil scanners with different measuring methods in recent years. 

These systems usually determine the respective soil parameters relatively, with extensive result scatter in some cases. Not least because of this, an absolute wet-chemical soil analysis is still unavoidable, be it only to calibrate the scanner methods, drone or satellite data. An inexpensive, standardised laboratory method that enables a high number of samples per hectare would give precision farming a boost in this respect.

At the same time, the importance of soil in the crop growing process is being highlighted to farmers and crop producers, therefore improving their knowledge of this important basis of production in the long term.

Radicle Agronomics is a system that combines planning, sampling, analysis and the entire logistics of soil sampling. The preparation of labels and labelling bags of soil are forgone. All of this is done automatically on the field while GeoPress fills the GeoTubes with the collected soil. RFID technology is used to provide each sample container, called a tube, with the coordinates and the data necessary for further processing in the laboratory. In an area measuring 3×3 meters, the Radicle Lab soil laboratory included in the system then completes all of the necessary work such as calibration, preparation, analysis and report preparation fully automatically within a matter of minutes.

Only the tubes have to be placed into a shelf manually. The software seamlessly integrates sampling, charting and analysis into one single platform. To plan the location-specific sampling points, the platform is able to process shape files; the analysis values are also exported again either in shp or csv format or as a finished report in pdf format. 

In a simple, fast, reliable and precise manner, the system provides the farmer with soil sample results that enable him to make quick and informed decisions.

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