Soil Association approval for slurry product

  • SlurryForSoil™ (SFORS®) and SlurryKing, have been approved for use in organic systems by the Soil Association

Organic food and farming are defined by law and set out in EU regulations. Any product sold as organic in the UK must comply with a set of production and processing standards. The Soil Association use EU organic regulations as a baseline, but in many cases, are more robust. 

“With its ability to enhance quality and quantity of grass while improving soil health, SlurryForSoil is an exciting new product for use in the organic dairy sector,” explains Sylgen Animal Health director, Geoff Hooper. 

SlurryForSoil uses advanced, second-generation microbial technology, with microbes specifically chosen for their abilities to enhance soil and plant health, and productivity. The formula contains 18 different naturally occurring species, all with unique properties. In independent and on-farm trials, SlurryForSoil has proven to offer a return on investment ranging from 5:1 – 16:1* while reducing farm carbon footprints.    

“The fact that the bacteria and fungi in SlurryForSoil scavenge nutrients, and enhance their bioavailability to plants through transportation in soils, it is extremely beneficial for farmers who want to boost grass yield without using synthetic fertiliser,” says Geoff, adding: “Some of SlurryForSoil’s microbes’ also induce systemic resistance, and have been shown to be biocontrols for pathogens, molluscs and insect pests.

The ethos behind SlurryForSoil’s development is aligned with organic principles and regenerative farming. It’s specifically designed for soil and plant health, contains naturally occurring plant growth promotion rhizobacteria and fungi and is formulated to encourage and optimise natural processes and functioning of diverse biological webs.

“The Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and Plant Growth Promoting Fungi (PGPF) in SFORS break down organic matter, capturing and retaining nutrients. In doing so, they homogenise the slurry making it easier to handle, and apply evenly with fewer blockages,” adds Geoff. 

“As endophytes the microbes work with plants to ensure they have nutrition as and when they need it, making plants more resilient to stressors like droughts and floods.” 

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